Model view controller is a most effective way of programming. In this article i will be explaining how we can achieve MVC pattern in visual basic 6.0.
There will be three projects
1. Data Project
Does all the data access work
All insert, update and select are done here
Has direct access to database
Has all the reference to data access objects
2. BusinessLogic Project
Does all the business logic processing
All calculations and how data should be rendered is done
Has data Project Reference
3. Forms Project
Does all the interfacing part here
Has direct user interaction
Has businessLogic Reference
Lets start the visual basic MVC Tutorial from here
(I am simply using the example of "User Access module" of an application here to explain this article, hope it works well)
In this tutorial there can be some functions which can be ignored
You have to work around a little to make this code working
It won't work on copy paste basis
But Main way of doing is clearly Explained so Enjoy coding
1.. Tables used in the tutorial
2.. Data Project Classes and Modules Required
name : modConn ( this module is for connection ODBC Connection is used in this context)
Global Cnn As ADODB.Connection
Sub Main()
If Cnn Is Nothing Then
On Error GoTo ConnectionError
Set Cnn = New ADODB.Connection
' Cnn.CursorLocation = adUseClient
'Cnn.Open "dsn=vote"
Cnn.Open "dsn=Election", "db2admin", "commission"
End If
Exit Sub
Set Cnn = Nothing
Err.Raise Err.Number, "Opening Database", Err.Description
End Sub
name: DataProperties ( this module is for mapping the Database table fields)
Public Type DUserProps
strUserID As String * 10
strDescription As String * 50
strPassword As String * 50
intDistrict As Integer
intAccessLevel As Integer
strUserIP As String * 20
strIsActive As String * 1
strAccessLevel As String * 10
End Type
Public Type DUserData
Buffer As String * 150
End Type
Public Type DUserAccessProps
lngMenuId As Long
strMenuName As String * 30
strMenuCaption As String * 50
strUserID As String * 10
End Type
Public Type DUserAccessData
Buffer As String * 94
End Type
name: Buffer (this class is for data transformation to and from in a binary string format)
Option Explicit
Private Type BufferProps
Length As Integer
EstCount As Long
MaxCount As Long
Count As Long
End Type
Private Type BufferData
Buffer As String * 8
End Type
Private Const BUFFER_START = 9
Private mstrBuffer As String
Private mudtProps As BufferProps
Private mlngPos As Long
Public Sub Initialize(Length As Integer, EstimatedCount As Long)
With mudtProps
.Length = Length
.EstCount = EstimatedCount
.MaxCount = EstimatedCount
.Count = 0
mstrBuffer = Space$(BUFFER_START + .MaxCount * .Length)
End With
End Sub
Public Sub Add(Data As String)
With mudtProps
If .Count = .MaxCount Then
mstrBuffer = mstrBuffer & _
Space$(mudtProps.EstCount / 2 * mudtProps.Length)
.MaxCount = .MaxCount + mudtProps.EstCount / 2
End If
Mid$(mstrBuffer, mlngPos, .Length) = Data
mlngPos = mlngPos + .Length
.Count = .Count + 1
End With
End Sub
Public Function GetState() As String
Dim udtData As BufferData
LSet udtData = mudtProps
Mid$(mstrBuffer, 1, Len(udtData.Buffer)) = udtData.Buffer
GetState = Left$(mstrBuffer, mlngPos)
End Function
Public Sub SetState(Buffer As String)
Dim udtData As BufferData
udtData.Buffer = Mid$(Buffer, 1, Len(udtData.Buffer))
LSet mudtProps = udtData
mstrBuffer = Buffer
End Sub
Public Property Get Item(Index As Long) As String
Item = Mid$(mstrBuffer, BUFFER_START + (Index - 1) * _
mudtProps.Length, mudtProps.Length)
End Property
Public Function Count() As Long
Count = mudtProps.Count
End Function
Public Function Length() As Long
Length = mudtProps.Length
End Function
Public Property Let Item(Index As Long, Buffer As String)
Mid$(mstrBuffer, BUFFER_START + (Index - 1) * _
mudtProps.Length, mudtProps.Length) = Buffer
End Property
Private DUProps As DUserProps
Private Function GetState() As String
Dim DUdata As DUserData
LSet DUdata = DUProps
GetState = DUdata.Buffer
End Function
Private Sub SetState(Buffer As String)
Dim DUdata As DUserData
DUdata.Buffer = Buffer
LSet DUProps = DUdata
End Sub
Public Function getLoginDetails(ByVal strUName As String, _
Optional strPass As String, Optional intmod As Integer) As String
Dim mObjBuffer As New Buffer
Dim rs As Recordset
Dim DUdtData As DUserData
Dim DUdtProps As DUserProps
Dim Mysql As String
On Error GoTo ACerr
If strPass <> "" And intmod <> 0 Then
Set rs = New Recordset
' Mysql = " SELECT DECRYPT_CHAR('" & strPass & "','" & strUName & "') FROM a"
' rs.Open Mysql, Cnn, adOpenStatic
' strPass = rs!DECRYPT_CHAR
Mysql = "select * from tblUser where Userid='" & strUName & "'" _
& " AND DECRYPT_CHAR(Password,'" & strUName & "') ='" & strPass & "' AND district= " & intmod & ""
ElseIf strPass = "" And intmod <> 0 Then
Mysql = " select USERID,DESCRIPTION, DECRYPT_CHAR(password,'" & strUName & "')as Password ,DISTRICT,ACCESSLEVEL,USERIP,ISACTIVE " & _
" From tblUser where userid='" & strUName & "' AND district= " & intmod
'Mysql = "select * from tblUser where userid='" & strUName & "' AND district= " & intmod
End If
Set rs = New Recordset
rs.Open Mysql, Cnn, adOpenStatic
mObjBuffer.Initialize Len(DUdtData.Buffer), rs.RecordCount
Do While Not rs.EOF
With DUdtProps
.strUserID = IIf(IsNull(rs("UserID")), "", rs("UserID"))
.strDescription = IIf(IsNull(rs("Description")), "", rs("Description"))
.strPassword = IIf(IsNull(rs("Password")), "", rs("Password"))
.intDistrict = IIf(IsNull(rs("DISTRICT")), "0", rs("DISTRICT"))
.intAccessLevel = IIf(IsNull(rs("ACCESSLEVEL")), "0", rs("ACCESSLEVEL"))
.strUserIP = IIf(IsNull(rs("USERIP")), "", rs("USERIP"))
.strIsActive = IIf(IsNull(rs("ISACTIVE")), "", rs("ISACTIVE"))
End With
LSet DUdtData = DUdtProps
mObjBuffer.Add DUdtData.Buffer
Set rs = Nothing
getLoginDetails = mObjBuffer.GetState
Exit Function
Err.Raise Err.Number, Err.Source, Err.Description
End Function
'Public Function getPassword(ByVal strUName As String) As ADODB.Recordset
' On Error GoTo err
' Dim MySql As String
' MySql = "select * from DUser where user_name='" & strUName & "'"
' Set getPassword = New ADODB.Recordset
' getPassword.Open (MySql), Cnn, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic
'Exit Function
' err.Raise err.Number, "getPass", OracleError.OracleError(err.Number)
'End Function
Public Function searchUser(ByVal strFilter As String) As String
Dim mObjBuffer As New Buffer
Dim rs As Recordset
Dim DUdtData As DUserData
Dim DUdtProps As DUserProps
Dim Mysql As String
On Error GoTo ACerr
Mysql = "select * from TBLUSER " & strFilter
' Mysql = " select USERID,DESCRIPTION, DECRYPT_CHAR(password,'" & UserID & "') as Password ,DISTRICT,ACCESSLEVEL,USERIP,ISACTIVE " & _
' " From tblUser " & strFilter
Set rs = New Recordset
rs.Open Mysql, Cnn, adOpenKeyset
mObjBuffer.Initialize Len(DUdtData.Buffer), rs.RecordCount
Do While Not rs.EOF
With DUdtProps
.strUserID = IIf(IsNull(rs("UserID")), "", rs("UserID"))
.strDescription = IIf(IsNull(rs("Description")), "", rs("Description"))
.strPassword = IIf(IsNull(rs("Password")), "", rs("Password"))
.intDistrict = IIf(IsNull(rs("DISTRICT")), "0", rs("DISTRICT"))
.intAccessLevel = IIf(IsNull(rs("ACCESSLEVEL")), "0", rs("ACCESSLEVEL"))
.strUserIP = IIf(IsNull(rs("USERIP")), "", rs("USERIP"))
.strIsActive = IIf(IsNull(rs("ISACTIVE")), "", rs("ISACTIVE"))
End With
LSet DUdtData = DUdtProps
mObjBuffer.Add DUdtData.Buffer
Set rs = Nothing
searchUser = mObjBuffer.GetState
Exit Function
Err.Raise Err.Number, Err.Source, Err.Description
End Function
Public Sub Add_User(ByVal Buffer As String)
On Error GoTo ACerr
SetState Buffer
Dim strSql As String
strSql = "INSERT INTO TBLUSER (USERID, Description, PASSWORD, District, AccessLevel" _
& ",UserIP, isactive) VALUES " & _
"('" & Trim(MakeStr(DUProps.strUserID)) & "','" & Trim(MakeStr(DUProps.strDescription)) & "'," & _
"ENCRYPT('" & Trim(DUProps.strPassword) & "','" & Trim(DUProps.strUserID) & "','') ," & DUProps.intDistrict & "," & _
"" & DUProps.intAccessLevel & ",'" & Trim(MakeStr(DUProps.strUserIP)) & "'," & _
"'" & Trim(MakeStr(DUProps.strIsActive)) & "' )"
Cnn.Execute strSql
Exit Sub
Err.Raise Err.Number, Err.Source, Err.Description
End Sub
Public Sub Modify_User(ByVal Buffer As String, intUserID As String)
On Error GoTo ACerr
Dim strSql As String
SetState Buffer
If Trim(DUProps.strPassword) = "" Then
strSql = "UPDATE TBLUSER SET Description ='" & Trim(MakeStr(DUProps.strDescription)) & "'," & _
"District=" & DUProps.intDistrict & ",AccessLevel=" & DUProps.intAccessLevel & "," & _
" USERIP='" & Trim(MakeStr(DUProps.strUserIP)) & "',isactive='" & DUProps.strIsActive & "'" & _
" WHERE UserID='" & Trim(intUserID) & "'"
ElseIf Trim(DUProps.strPassword) = "N/A" Then
strSql = "UPDATE TBLUSER SET Description ='" & Trim(MakeStr(DUProps.strDescription)) & "'," & _
"District=" & DUProps.intDistrict & ",AccessLevel=" & DUProps.intAccessLevel & "," & _
" USERIP='" & Trim(MakeStr(DUProps.strUserIP)) & "',isactive='" & DUProps.strIsActive & "'" & _
" WHERE UserID='" & Trim(intUserID) & "'"
strSql = "UPDATE TBLUSER SET Description ='" & Trim(MakeStr(DUProps.strDescription)) & "'," & _
"District=" & DUProps.intDistrict & ",AccessLevel=" & DUProps.intAccessLevel & "," & _
" USERIP='" & Trim(MakeStr(DUProps.strUserIP)) & "',isactive='" & DUProps.strIsActive & "'," & _
" Password=ENCRYPT('" & Trim(DUProps.strPassword) & "','" & Trim(DUProps.strUserID) & "','') WHERE UserID='" & Trim(intUserID) & "'"
End If
Cnn.Execute strSql
Exit Sub
Err.Raise Err.Number, Err.Source, Err.Description
End Sub
Public Sub ChangePassword(ByVal strPass As String, strUserID As String)
On Error GoTo ACerr
Dim strSql As String
'Cnn.Execute StrSql
'StrSql = "UPDATE TBLUSER SET Password=ENCRYPT('" & Trim(strPass) & "','" & Trim(strUserID) & "','') WHERE UserID='" & intUserID & "'"
strSql = "UPDATE TBLUSER SET Password=ENCRYPT('" & Trim(strPass) & "','" & Trim(strUserID) & "','') WHERE USERID='" & Trim(strUserID) & "'"
Cnn.Execute strSql
Exit Sub
Err.Raise Err.Number, Err.Source, Err.Description
End Sub
Name : clsdbDUserAccess
Option Explicit
Private DUAProps As DUserAccessProps
Private Function GetState() As String
Dim DUAData As DUserAccessData
LSet DUAData = DUAProps
GetState = DUAData.Buffer
End Function
Private Sub SetState(Buffer As String)
Dim DUAData As DUserAccessData
DUAData.Buffer = Buffer
LSet DUAProps = DUAData
End Sub
Public Function getAccessDetails(ByVal strUserID As String, intModID As Integer) As String
Dim mObjBuffer As New Buffer
Dim rs As Recordset
Dim DUAData As DUserAccessData
Dim DUAProps As DUserAccessProps
Dim Mysql As String
On Error GoTo ACerr
If intModID = 1 Then
Mysql = "select a.*, (select UserID from duseraccess where userid='" & Trim(MakeStr(strUserID)) & "' and menu_id=a.menu_id) User_id " & _
" from menutable a where a.MODULE_ID<>9 order by a.MENU_SEQ asc "
ElseIf intModID = 2 Then
Mysql = "select a.*, (select UserID from duseraccess where userid='" & Trim(MakeStr(strUserID)) & "' and menu_id=a.menu_id) User_id " & _
" from menutable a Where a.module_id in (0,2) order by a.MENU_SEQ asc "
ElseIf intModID = 3 Then
Mysql = "select a.*, (select UserID from duseraccess where userid='" & Trim(MakeStr(strUserID)) & "' and menu_id=a.menu_id) User_id " & _
" from menutable a Where a.module_id in (0,3) order by a.MENU_SEQ asc "
ElseIf intModID = 4 Then
Mysql = "select a.*, (select UserID from duseraccess where userid='" & Trim(MakeStr(strUserID)) & "' and menu_id=a.menu_id) User_id " & _
" from menutable a Where a.module_id in (0,4) order by a.MENU_SEQ asc "
ElseIf intModID = 5 Then
Mysql = "select a.*, (select UserID from duseraccess where userid='" & Trim(MakeStr(strUserID)) & "' and menu_id=a.menu_id) User_id " & _
" from menutable a Where a.module_id in (0,5) order by a.MENU_SEQ asc "
Mysql = "select a.*, (select UserID from duseraccess where userid='" & Trim(MakeStr(strUserID)) & "' and menu_id=a.menu_id) User_id " & _
" from menutable a Where a.module_id = 0 order by a.MENU_SEQ asc "
End If
Set rs = New Recordset
rs.Open Mysql, Cnn, adOpenStatic
mObjBuffer.Initialize Len(DUAData.Buffer), rs.RecordCount
Do While Not rs.EOF
With DUAProps
.strUserID = IIf(IsNull(rs("USER_ID")), "", rs("USER_ID"))
.lngMenuId = IIf(IsNull(rs("MENU_ID")), 0, rs("MENU_ID"))
.strMenuName = IIf(IsNull(rs("MENUNAME")), "", rs("MENUNAME"))
.strMenuCaption = IIf(IsNull(rs("MENUCAPTION")), "", rs("MENUCAPTION"))
End With
LSet DUAData = DUAProps
mObjBuffer.Add DUAData.Buffer
Set rs = Nothing
getAccessDetails = mObjBuffer.GetState
Exit Function
Err.Raise Err.Number, Err.Source, Err.Description
End Function
Public Sub Add_User(ByVal Buffer As String)
On Error GoTo ACerr
SetState Buffer
Dim strSql As String
"('" & Trim(MakeStr(DUAProps.strUserID)) & "'," & DUAProps.lngMenuId & ")"
Cnn.Execute strSql
Exit Sub
Err.Raise Err.Number, Err.Source, Err.Description
End Sub
Public Sub Delete_All(ByVal lngUserID As String)
Dim strSql As String
On Error GoTo DelErr
strSql = "DELETE FROM DUSERACCESS WHERE USERID= '" & Trim(lngUserID) & "'"
Cnn.Execute strSql
Exit Sub
Err.Raise Err.Number, Err.Source, Err.Description
End Sub
3.. BusinessLogic Classes and Modules Required
Name: dataProperties - Share with the Data access module(this two are same)
Public Type DUserProps
strUserID As String * 10
strDescription As String * 50
strPassword As String * 50
intDistrict As Integer
intAccessLevel As Integer
strUserIP As String * 20
strIsActive As String * 1
strAccessLevel As String * 10
End Type
Public Type DUserData
Buffer As String * 150
End Type
Public Type DUserAccessProps
lngMenuId As Long
strMenuName As String * 30
strMenuCaption As String * 50
strUserID As String * 10
End Type
Public Type DUserAccessData
Buffer As String * 94
End Type
name: Buffer
Option Explicit
Private Type BufferProps
Length As Integer
EstCount As Long
MaxCount As Long
Count As Long
End Type
Private Type BufferData
Buffer As String * 8
End Type
Private Const BUFFER_START = 9
Private mstrBuffer As String
Private mudtProps As BufferProps
Private mlngPos As Long
Public Sub Initialize(Length As Integer, EstimatedCount As Long)
With mudtProps
.Length = Length
.EstCount = EstimatedCount
.MaxCount = EstimatedCount
.Count = 0
mstrBuffer = Space$(BUFFER_START + .MaxCount * .Length)
End With
End Sub
Public Sub Add(Data As String)
With mudtProps
If .Count = .MaxCount Then
mstrBuffer = mstrBuffer & _
Space$(mudtProps.EstCount / 2 * mudtProps.Length)
.MaxCount = .MaxCount + mudtProps.EstCount / 2
End If
Mid$(mstrBuffer, mlngPos, .Length) = Data
mlngPos = mlngPos + .Length
.Count = .Count + 1
End With
End Sub
Public Function GetState() As String
Dim udtData As BufferData
LSet udtData = mudtProps
Mid$(mstrBuffer, 1, Len(udtData.Buffer)) = udtData.Buffer
GetState = Left$(mstrBuffer, mlngPos)
End Function
Public Sub SetState(Buffer As String)
Dim udtData As BufferData
udtData.Buffer = Mid$(Buffer, 1, Len(udtData.Buffer))
LSet mudtProps = udtData
mstrBuffer = Buffer
End Sub
Public Property Get Item(Index As Long) As String
Item = Mid$(mstrBuffer, BUFFER_START + (Index - 1) * _
mudtProps.Length, mudtProps.Length)
End Property
Public Function Count() As Long
Count = mudtProps.Count
End Function
Public Function Length() As Long
Length = mudtProps.Length
End Function
Public Property Let Item(Index As Long, Buffer As String)
Mid$(mstrBuffer, BUFFER_START + (Index - 1) * _
mudtProps.Length, mudtProps.Length) = Buffer
End Property
Name: clsMLogin
Option Explicit
Private mcolLogin As Collection
Private mflgEditing As Boolean
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
Set mcolLogin = New Collection
End Sub
Public Function Item(ByVal Index As Variant) As clslogin
Set Item = mcolLogin(Index)
End Function
Public Function Count() As Long
Count = mcolLogin.Count
End Function
Public Function NewEnum() As IUnknown
Set NewEnum = mcolLogin.[_NewEnum]
End Function
Public Sub Add(ByVal Child As clslogin)
mcolLogin.Add Item:=Child
End Sub
Public Sub Save()
Dim objchild As clslogin
Dim objdbex As clsdbexecute
Set objdbex = New clsdbexecute
On Error GoTo SaveErr
For Each objchild In mcolLogin
Exit Sub
Err.Raise Err.Number, Err.Source, Err.Description
End Sub
Public Sub Update(ByVal intUserID As String)
Dim objchild As clslogin
Dim objdbex As clsdbexecute
Set objdbex = New clsdbexecute
On Error GoTo UErr
For Each objchild In mcolLogin
objchild.Modify_User (intUserID)
objchild.DUserAccess.Update (intUserID)
Exit Sub
Err.Raise Err.Number, Err.Source, Err.Description
End Sub
Private Sub SetState(Buffer As String)
Dim objBuffer As New Buffer
Dim objchild As clslogin
Dim lngIndex As Long
Dim LdtData As DUserData
Dim LdtProps As DUserProps
Dim objLAccess As clsMDUserAccess
On Error GoTo SetErr
With objBuffer
.SetState Buffer
For lngIndex = 1 To .Count
Set objchild = New clslogin
LdtData.Buffer = .Item(lngIndex)
LSet LdtProps = LdtData
With objchild
.AccessLevel = Trim(LdtProps.intAccessLevel)
.Description = Trim(LdtProps.strDescription)
.District = Trim(LdtProps.intDistrict)
.IsActive = Trim(LdtProps.strIsActive)
.Password = Trim(LdtProps.strPassword)
.User_ID = Trim(LdtProps.strUserID)
.User_IP = Trim(LdtProps.strUserIP)
Set objLAccess = New clsMDUserAccess
objLAccess.getUser .User_ID, .AccessLevel
.DUserAccess = objLAccess
mcolLogin.Add objchild
Set objchild = Nothing
End With
End With
Set objBuffer = Nothing
Exit Sub
Err.Raise Err.Number, Err.Source, Err.Description
End Sub
Public Sub getLoginDetails(ByVal strUName As String, strPass As String, intmod As Integer)
Dim objdb As clsdbLogin
Set objdb = New clsdbLogin
On Error GoTo GetErr
SetState objdb.getLoginDetails(strUName, strPass, intmod)
Set objdb = Nothing
Exit Sub
Err.Raise Err.Number, Err.Source, Err.Description
End Sub
Public Function getPassword(ByVal strUserName As String, ByVal intmod As Integer) As String
Dim objdb As clsdbLogin
Set objdb = New clsdbLogin
On Error GoTo GetErr
SetState objdb.getLoginDetails(strUserName, , intmod)
Set objdb = Nothing
Exit Function
Err.Raise Err.Number, Err.Source, Err.Description
End Function
Public Function getUser(ByVal strFilter As String) As String
Dim objdb As clsdbLogin
Set objdb = New clsdbLogin
On Error GoTo GetErr
SetState objdb.searchUser(strFilter)
Set objdb = Nothing
Exit Function
Err.Raise Err.Number, Err.Source, Err.Description
End Function
Name: clsLogin
Private LProps As DUserProps
'local variable(s) to hold property value(s)
Private objDUserAccess As clsMDUserAccess 'local copy
Public Property Let DUserAccess(ByVal vData As clsMDUserAccess)
Set objDUserAccess = vData
End Property
Public Property Get DUserAccess() As clsMDUserAccess
Set DUserAccess = objDUserAccess
End Property
Public Property Let IsActive(ByVal vData As String)
LProps.strIsActive = vData
End Property
Public Property Get IsActive() As String
IsActive = LProps.strIsActive
End Property
Public Property Let User_IP(ByVal vData As String)
LProps.strUserIP = vData
End Property
Public Property Get User_IP() As String
User_IP = LProps.strUserIP
End Property
Public Property Let AccessLevel(ByVal vData As Integer)
LProps.intAccessLevel = vData
End Property
Public Property Get AccessLevel() As Integer
AccessLevel = LProps.intAccessLevel
End Property
Public Property Let AccessLevelName(ByVal vData As String)
LProps.strAccessLevel = vData
End Property
Public Property Get AccessLevelName() As String
AccessLevelName = LProps.strAccessLevel
End Property
Public Property Let District(ByVal vData As Integer)
LProps.intDistrict = vData
End Property
Public Property Get District() As Integer
District = LProps.intDistrict
End Property
Public Property Let User_ID(ByVal vData As String)
LProps.strUserID = vData
End Property
Public Property Get User_ID() As String
User_ID = LProps.strUserID
End Property
Public Property Let Description(ByVal vData As String)
LProps.strDescription = vData
End Property
Public Property Get Description() As String
Description = LProps.strDescription
End Property
Public Property Let Password(ByVal vData As String)
LProps.strPassword = vData
End Property
Public Property Get Password() As String
Password = LProps.strPassword
End Property
Private Function GetState() As String
Dim LData As DUserData
LSet LData = LProps
GetState = LData.Buffer
End Function
Private Sub SetState(Buffer As String)
Dim LData As DUserData
LData.Buffer = Buffer
LSet LProps = LData
End Sub
Public Sub Add_User()
Dim objdb As clsdbLogin
On Error GoTo AddErr
Set objdb = New clsdbLogin
objdb.Add_User (GetState)
Exit Sub
Err.Raise Err.Number, Err.Source, Err.Description
End Sub
Public Sub Modify_User(ByVal intUserID As String)
Dim objdb As clsdbLogin
On Error GoTo AddErr
Set objdb = New clsdbLogin
objdb.Modify_User GetState, intUserID
Exit Sub
Err.Raise Err.Number, Err.Source, Err.Description
End Sub
Public Sub ChangePassword(ByVal strPass As String, strUserID As String)
Dim objdb As clsdbLogin
On Error GoTo AddErr
Set objdb = New clsdbLogin
objdb.ChangePassword strPass, strUserID
Exit Sub
Err.Raise Err.Number, Err.Source, Err.Description
End Sub
Name: clsMDUserAccess
Option Explicit
Private mcolLoginAccess As Collection
Private mflgEditing As Boolean
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
Set mcolLoginAccess = New Collection
End Sub
Public Function Item(ByVal Index As Variant) As clsDUserAccess
Set Item = mcolLoginAccess(Index)
End Function
Public Function Count() As Long
Count = mcolLoginAccess.Count
End Function
Public Function NewEnum() As IUnknown
Set NewEnum = mcolLoginAccess.[_NewEnum]
End Function
Public Sub Add(ByVal Child As clsDUserAccess)
mcolLoginAccess.Add Item:=Child
End Sub
Public Sub Save()
Dim objchild As clsDUserAccess
On Error GoTo SaveErr
Dim i As Integer
i = 1
For Each objchild In mcolLoginAccess
If i = 1 Then
objchild.Delete_All (objchild.UserID)
End If
i = i + 1
Exit Sub
Err.Raise Err.Number, Err.Source, Err.Description
End Sub
Public Sub Update(ByVal intUserID As String)
Dim objchild As clsDUserAccess
On Error GoTo UErr
Set objchild = New clsDUserAccess
objchild.Delete_All (intUserID)
Call Save
Exit Sub
Err.Raise Err.Number, Err.Source, Err.Description
End Sub
Public Function getUser(ByVal strUserID As String, intModID As Integer) As String
Dim objdb As clsdbDUserAccess
Set objdb = New clsdbDUserAccess
On Error GoTo GetErr
SetState objdb.getAccessDetails(strUserID, intModID)
Set objdb = Nothing
Exit Function
Err.Raise Err.Number, Err.Source, Err.Description
End Function
Private Sub SetState(Buffer As String)
Dim objBuffer As New Buffer
Dim objchild As clsDUserAccess
Dim lngIndex As Long
Dim DLAData As DUserAccessData
Dim DLAProps As DUserAccessProps
On Error GoTo SetErr
With objBuffer
.SetState Buffer
For lngIndex = 1 To .Count
Set objchild = New clsDUserAccess
DLAData.Buffer = .Item(lngIndex)
LSet DLAProps = DLAData
With objchild
.UserID = Trim(DLAProps.strUserID)
.MenuID = Trim(DLAProps.lngMenuId)
.MenuName = Trim(DLAProps.strMenuName)
.MenuCaption = Trim(DLAProps.strMenuCaption)
mcolLoginAccess.Add objchild
Set objchild = Nothing
End With
End With
Set objBuffer = Nothing
Exit Sub
Err.Raise Err.Number, Err.Source, Err.Description
End Sub
Name: clsDuserAccess
'local variable(s) to hold property value(s)
Private DUAProps As DUserAccessProps
Public Property Let MenuName(ByVal vData As String)
DUAProps.strMenuName = vData
End Property
Public Property Get MenuName() As String
MenuName = DUAProps.strMenuName
End Property
Public Property Let MenuCaption(ByVal vData As String)
DUAProps.strMenuCaption = vData
End Property
Public Property Get MenuCaption() As String
MenuCaption = DUAProps.strMenuCaption
End Property
Public Property Let MenuID(ByVal vData As Long)
DUAProps.lngMenuId = vData
End Property
Public Property Get MenuID() As Long
MenuID = DUAProps.lngMenuId
End Property
Public Property Let UserID(ByVal vData As String)
DUAProps.strUserID = vData
End Property
Public Property Get UserID() As String
UserID = DUAProps.strUserID
End Property
Private Function GetState() As String
Dim DUAData As DUserAccessData
LSet DUAData = DUAProps
GetState = DUAData.Buffer
End Function
Private Sub SetState(Buffer As String)
Dim DUAData As DUserAccessData
DUAData.Buffer = Buffer
LSet DUAProps = DUAData
End Sub
Public Sub Save()
Dim objchild As clsdbDUserAccess
On Error GoTo SaveErr
Set objchild = New clsdbDUserAccess
'For Each objChild In mcolLoginAccess
objchild.Add_User GetState
' Next
Exit Sub
Err.Raise Err.Number, Err.Source, Err.Description
End Sub
Public Sub Delete_All(ByVal lngUserID As String)
Dim objdbChild As clsdbDUserAccess
On Error GoTo ModifyErr
Set objdbChild = New clsdbDUserAccess
objdbChild.Delete_All (lngUserID)
Exit Sub
Err.Raise Err.Number, Err.Source, Err.Description
End Sub
4.. Forms Required
Name: frmCreateUserAccess

Option Explicit
Dim blneditmode As Boolean
Dim obj As clslogin
Dim objM As clsMLogin
Private Function GetFilter() As String
On Error GoTo FErr
Dim strWSql As String
Dim intDis As Integer
intDis = Val(Me.cboDistrictID.Text)
strWSql = ""
If Trim(Me.txtUserName.Text) <> "" Then
strWSql = "Where" & strWSql & " Upper(userid) like '" & UCase(Replace(Trim(Me.txtUserName.Text), "'", "''")) & "%'and district= " & intDis & " and"
strWSql = "Where" & strWSql & " district= " & intDis & " and"
End If
If strWSql <> "" Then
strWSql = Mid(strWSql, 1, Len(strWSql) - 3)
End If
GetFilter = strWSql
Exit Function
MsgBox Err.Description, vbInformation
End Function
Private Sub cboDistrict_Click()
Me.cboDistrictID.ListIndex = Me.cboDistrict.ListIndex
End Sub
Private Sub cboDistrictID_Click()
Me.cboDistrict.ListIndex = Me.cboDistrictID.ListIndex
End Sub
Private Sub cboRole_Click()
cboRoleID.ListIndex = cboRole.ListIndex
End Sub
Private Sub cboRoleID_Click()
cboRole.ListIndex = cboRoleID.ListIndex
End Sub
Private Sub chkWallPaper_Click()
On Error GoTo ErrSetWallPaper
If chkWallPaper Then
grdAssign.WallPaper = imgWallPaper
grdAssign.WallPaper = Nothing
End If
Exit Sub
MsgBox "An Error Occurred while setting wallpaper on the grid" & vbCrLf & "Error: " & Err.Description, vbInformation, "User Access"
End Sub
Private Sub cmdCancel_Click()
Me.txtUserName.Text = ""
Me.txtPassword.Text = ""
Me.txtPassword.Enabled = True
Me.txtDesc.Text = ""
Me.cboRoleID.ListIndex = -1
Me.txtIP.Text = ""
Me.txtUserName.BackColor = vbWhite
Me.txtPassword.BackColor = vbWhite
Me.txtDesc.BackColor = vbWhite
Me.cboRole.BackColor = vbWhite
Me.txtIP.BackColor = vbWhite
Me.grdAssign.Rows = 1
blneditmode = False
End Sub
Private Sub cmdCancel_MouseMove
(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
lblHelp = ">> " & Me.cmdCancel.ToolTipText & " <<" cmdCancel.FontBold = True End Sub Private Sub cmdExit_Click() Unload Me End Sub Private Sub cmdExit_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single) lblHelp = ">> " & Me.cmdExit.ToolTipText & " <<" cmdExit.FontBold = True End Sub Private Sub cmdSave_Click() Dim blnv As Boolean Dim DPASS As String Dim ObjLogin As clslogin Dim objMlogin As clsMLogin Dim objA As clsDUserAccess Dim objMA As clsMDUserAccess Dim UserID As String Dim i As Integer On Error GoTo SaveErr Set ObjLogin = New clslogin Set objMlogin = New clsMLogin objMlogin.getUser (GetFilter) blnv = validatealls If blnv = True Then MsgBox "Please Enter Valid Information here!!", vbInformation Exit Sub End If 'DPASS = DECRIPT(Me.txtPassword.Text) DPASS = UCase(Trim(Me.txtPassword.Text)) ObjLogin.Password = DPASS ObjLogin.User_ID = UCase(Trim(Me.txtUserName.Text)) ObjLogin.AccessLevel = Me.cboRoleID.Text ObjLogin.User_IP = txtIP.Text ObjLogin.District = Val(Me.cboDistrictID.Text) ObjLogin.Description = txtDesc.Text If Me.chkActive.Value = 1 Then ObjLogin.IsActive = "Y" Else ObjLogin.IsActive = "N" End If Set objMA = New clsMDUserAccess If blneditmode = False Then If objMlogin.Count > 0 Then
MsgBox "User Already defined ", vbInformation, "Enter New User Name and Try again"
Exit Sub
End If
If MsgBox("Sure to Save this User", vbQuestion + vbYesNo, "Confirmation!") = vbYes Then
For i = 1 To grdAssign.Rows - 1
Set objA = New clsDUserAccess
If grdAssign.Cell(flexcpChecked, i, 1) = 1 And grdAssign.Cell(flexcpText, i, 2) <> "" Then
objA.MenuID = CLng(grdAssign.Cell(flexcpText, i, 2))
objA.MenuName = Trim(grdAssign.Cell(flexcpText, i, 3))
objA.UserID = Trim(ObjLogin.User_ID)
End If
objMA.Add objA
ObjLogin.DUserAccess = objMA
Set objMlogin = New clsMLogin
objMlogin.Add ObjLogin
Call cmdSearch_Click
MsgBox "User Added Successful!!", vbOKOnly
Set ObjLogin = Nothing
Set objMlogin = Nothing
Call cmdCancel_Click
Exit Sub
End If
If MsgBox("Sure to Modify this User", vbQuestion + vbYesNo, "Confirmation!") = vbYes Then
ObjLogin.User_ID = Trim(grdSearch.Cell(flexcpText, grdSearch.Row, 0))
For i = 1 To grdAssign.Rows - 1
If grdAssign.Cell(flexcpChecked, i, 1) = 1 And grdAssign.Cell(flexcpText, i, 2) <> "" Then
Set objA = New clsDUserAccess
objA.MenuID = CLng(grdAssign.Cell(flexcpText, i, 2))
objA.MenuName = Trim(grdAssign.Cell(flexcpText, i, 3))
objA.UserID = Trim(ObjLogin.User_ID)
objMA.Add objA
End If
ObjLogin.DUserAccess = objMA
Set objMlogin = New clsMLogin
objMlogin.Add ObjLogin
objMlogin.Update (ObjLogin.User_ID)
Call cmdSearch_Click
MsgBox "User Modify Successful!!", vbOKOnly
Set ObjLogin = Nothing
Set objMlogin = Nothing
Call cmdCancel_Click
Exit Sub
End If
End If
Call cmdCancel_Click
Set ObjLogin = Nothing
Set objMlogin = Nothing
Set objMA = Nothing
Set objA = Nothing
Exit Sub
Set objMA = Nothing
Set objA = Nothing
Set ObjLogin = Nothing
Set objMlogin = Nothing
MsgBox Err.Description, vbInformation
End Sub
Private Sub cmdSave_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
lblHelp = ">> " & Me.cmdSave.ToolTipText & " <<" cmdSave.FontBold = True End Sub Private Sub cmdSearch_Click() On Error GoTo CmdErr Set obj = New clslogin Set objM = New clsMLogin objM.getUser (GetFilter) Dim i As Integer grdSearch.Rows = 1 If objM.Count = 0 Then MsgBox "No Data Found", vbInformation Exit Sub End If For i = 1 To objM.Count Set obj = objM.Item(i) grdSearch.AddItem obj.User_ID & vbTab & Trim(obj.Password) & vbTab & _ Trim(obj.Description) & vbTab & Trim(obj.AccessLevel) & vbTab & Trim(obj.User_IP) & vbTab & Trim(obj.IsActive) Next blneditmode = False Set obj = Nothing 'Set objM = Nothing Exit Sub CmdErr: Set obj = Nothing Set objM = Nothing MsgBox Err.Description, vbInformation End Sub Private Function validatealls() As Boolean Dim bln As Boolean On Error GoTo Errz If isblank(txtUserName) = True Then bln = True ElseIf isblank(txtPassword) = True Then bln = True ElseIf isblank(txtIP) = True Then bln = True ElseIf Me.cboRoleID.Text = "" Then bln = True cboRole.BackColor = &HC0C0FF Else cboRole.BackColor = vbWhite End If validatealls = bln Exit Function Errz: validatealls = False MsgBox Err.Description End Function Private Sub cmdSearch_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single) lblHelp = ">> " & Me.cmdSearch.ToolTipText & " <<" cmdSearch.FontBold = True End Sub Private Sub Form_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer) If KeyAscii = 13 Then SendKeys "{tab}", True SendKeys "{home}+{end}" End If End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() frmCreateUserAccess.Move 20, 60 blneditmode = False Dim objRole As clsRole Dim objDis As clsDistrict On Error GoTo LErr: Set objRole = New clsRole Call loadCbo(cboRole, objRole.GetRole, 1, 0, cboRoleID) Set objDis = New clsDistrict Call loadCbo(Me.cboDistrict, objDis.GetDistrict, 1, 0, Me.cboDistrictID) 'Me.cboDistrictID.Text = 26 Me.cboDistrictID.Text = 1 Exit Sub LErr: MsgBox Err.Description End Sub Private Sub Form_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single) cmdSave.FontBold = False cmdCancel.FontBold = False cmdExit.FontBold = False cmdSearch.FontBold = False lblHelp = "" End Sub Private Sub Frame2_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single) cmdSave.FontBold = False cmdCancel.FontBold = False cmdExit.FontBold = False lblHelp = "" End Sub Private Sub frameAccessLevel_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single) cmdSave.FontBold = False cmdCancel.FontBold = False cmdExit.FontBold = False cmdSearch.FontBold = False lblHelp = "" End Sub Private Sub frameUser_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single) cmdSave.FontBold = False cmdCancel.FontBold = False cmdExit.FontBold = False cmdSearch.FontBold = False lblHelp = "" End Sub Private Sub grdAssign_Click() Dim i Dim intcount As Integer Dim intFirstRow As Integer Dim intLastRow As Integer Dim intOutLineLevel As Integer On Error GoTo aerr intOutLineLevel = grdAssign.RowOutlineLevel(grdAssign.Row) intFirstRow = 0 intLastRow = 0 intcount = 0 For i = grdAssign.Row To grdAssign.Rows - 1 If grdAssign.RowOutlineLevel(i) = intOutLineLevel Or grdAssign.RowOutlineLevel(i) < intcount =" intcount" intcount =" 1" intfirstrow =" i" intcount =" 2" intlastrow =" i" intlastrow =" 0"> 4 Or intOutLineLevel = 4 Then
intLastRow = grdAssign.Rows
End If
End If
End If
For i = intFirstRow To intLastRow - 1
Me.grdAssign.Col = 1
Me.grdAssign.Row = i
If Me.grdAssign.CellChecked = flexChecked Then
Me.grdAssign.CellChecked = flexUnchecked
Me.grdAssign.CellChecked = flexChecked
End If
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description, vbInformation
End Sub
Private Sub grdSearch_Click()
Dim bln As Boolean
On Error GoTo SErr
If grdSearch.Rows > 1 Then
Exit Sub
End If
If grdSearch.Cell(flexcpBackColor, grdSearch.Row, 0, grdSearch.Row, grdSearch.Cols - 1) <> vbRed Then
bln = grdColorEdit(grdSearch)
If bln Then
chkWallPaper.Value = 1
End If
MsgBox "This is Inactive user!! Please Make user Active First", vbInformation, "User Access Information"
End If
blneditmode = True
Exit Sub
MsgBox "Err while clicking" & vbCrLf & "Error: " & Err.Description, vbInformation, "Access level Click"
End Sub
Private Sub GridToText()
Dim strAcc As String
On Error GoTo ErrG
Me.txtUserName.Text = Trim(grdSearch.Cell(flexcpText, grdSearch.Row, 0))
'Me.txtPassword.Text = Trim(grdSearch.Cell(flexcpText, grdSearch.Row, 1))
Me.txtPassword.Text = "N/A"
Me.txtDesc.Text = Trim(grdSearch.Cell(flexcpText, grdSearch.Row, 2))
Me.cboRoleID.Text = Trim(grdSearch.Cell(flexcpText, grdSearch.Row, 3))
Me.txtIP.Text = Trim(grdSearch.Cell(flexcpText, grdSearch.Row, 4))
strAcc = Trim(grdSearch.Cell(flexcpText, grdSearch.Row, 5))
' Me.txtPassword.Enabled = False
If strAcc = "Y" Then
Me.chkActive.Value = 1
Me.chkActive.Value = 0
End If
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description
End Sub
Private Sub Load_Access()
Dim clsMD As clsMDUserAccess
Dim clsD As clsDUserAccess
Set clsMD = New clsMDUserAccess
Set clsD = New clsDUserAccess
Dim strUserID As String
Dim intFirst As Integer
Dim strFirst As String
Dim intSecond As Integer
Dim strSecond As String
Dim intThird As Integer
Dim strThird As String
Dim intFourth As Integer
Dim strFourth As String
Dim intlen As Integer
Dim strLen As String
Dim i As Integer
Dim intCurF As Integer
Dim intCurS As Integer
Dim intCurT As Integer
Dim intCurFo As Integer
intCurF = 0
intCurS = 0
intCurT = 0
intCurFo = 0
On Error GoTo ErrLoadBeds
Me.grdAssign.Rows = 1
Me.grdAssign.Row = 0
'initialize tree control
With grdAssign
' structure
.Cols = 14
.Rows = 0
.FixedCols = 0
.FixedRows = 0
'.Left = 50
' appearance
.GridLines = flexGridNone
.BackColorBkg = .BackColor
.SheetBorder = .BackColor
.ExtendLastCol = True
.Redraw = flexRDBuffered
.outlinecol =" 0"
.outlinebar =" flexOutlineBarCompleteLeaf"
.ellipsis =" flexEllipsisEnd"
.allowselection =" False"
.highlight =" flexHighlightWithFocus"
.scrolltrack =" True"
.autosearch =" flexSearchFromCursor"
.cellchecked =" flexUnchecked"
strUserID = Trim(grdSearch.Cell(flexcpText, grdSearch.Row, 0))
.redraw =" flexRDNone"
.tooltiptext = "Click To Select the Desired Access Level for the user"
.strfirst = "Module A"
obj = objM.Item(grdSearch.Row)
clsmd = obj.DUserAccess
i = 1
clsd = clsMD.Item(i)
strlen = CStr(clsD.MenuID)
intlen = Len(strLen)
If intlen = 1 Then
intFirst = CInt(Mid(strLen, 1, 1))
intSecond = 0
intThird = 0
intFourth = 0
ElseIf intlen = 2 Then
intFirst = CInt(Mid(strLen, 1, 1))
intSecond = CInt(Mid(strLen, 2, 1))
intThird = 0
intFourth = 0
ElseIf intlen = 3 Then
intFirst = CInt(Mid(strLen, 1, 1))
intSecond = CInt(Mid(strLen, 2, 1))
intThird = CInt(Mid(strLen, 3, 1))
intFourth = 0
ElseIf intlen = 4 Then
intFirst = CInt(Mid(strLen, 1, 1))
intSecond = CInt(Mid(strLen, 2, 1))
intThird = CInt(Mid(strLen, 3, 1))
intFourth = CInt(Mid(strLen, 4, 1))
End If
If intCurF <> intFirst Then
intCurS = 0
intCurT = 0
intCurFo = 0
.AddItem Trim(strFirst) & vbTab & ""
.Cell(flexcpForeColor, .Rows - 1) = &HC00000 'vbBlue
.IsSubtotal(.Rows - 1) = True
.RowOutlineLevel(.Rows - 1) = 1
If IsNull(clsD.UserID) Or Trim(clsD.UserID) = "" Then
.Cell(flexcpChecked, .Rows - 1, 1) = False
.Cell(flexcpChecked, .Rows - 1, 1) = True
End If
intCurF = intFirst
End If
If intCurS <> intSecond Then
intCurT = 0
intCurFo = 0
.AddItem Trim(clsD.MenuCaption) & vbTab & "" & vbTab & clsD.MenuID & vbTab & Trim(clsD.MenuName)
.Cell(flexcpForeColor, .Rows - 1) = &HC00000 'vbBlue
.IsSubtotal(.Rows - 1) = True
.RowOutlineLevel(.Rows - 1) = 2
If IsNull(clsD.UserID) Or Trim(clsD.UserID) = "" Then
.Cell(flexcpChecked, .Rows - 1, 1) = False
.Cell(flexcpChecked, .Rows - 1, 1) = True
End If
intCurS = intSecond
End If
If intCurT <> intThird Then
intCurFo = 0
.AddItem CStr(clsD.MenuCaption) & vbTab & "" & vbTab & clsD.MenuID & vbTab & Trim(clsD.MenuName)
.Cell(flexcpForeColor, .Rows - 1) = &H5172D2
.IsSubtotal(.Rows - 1) = True
.RowOutlineLevel(.Rows - 1) = 3
If IsNull(clsD.UserID) Or Trim(clsD.UserID) = "" Then
.Cell(flexcpChecked, .Rows - 1, 1) = False
.Cell(flexcpChecked, .Rows - 1, 1) = True
End If
intCurT = intThird
End If
If intCurFo <> intFourth Then
.AddItem CStr(clsD.MenuCaption) & vbTab & "" & vbTab & clsD.MenuID & vbTab & Trim(clsD.MenuName)
.Cell(flexcpForeColor, .Rows - 1) = &HC000&
.IsSubtotal(.Rows - 1) = True
.RowOutlineLevel(.Rows - 1) = 4
If IsNull(clsD.UserID) Or Trim(clsD.UserID) = "" Then
.Cell(flexcpChecked, .Rows - 1, 1) = False
.Cell(flexcpChecked, .Rows - 1, 1) = True
End If
intCurFo = intFourth
End If
.OutlineCol = 0
.OutlineBar = flexOutlineBarCompleteLeaf
.Row = 0
.Redraw = flexRDBuffered
.MergeCol(0) = True
.ColWidth(0) = 3750
.ColWidth(1) = 20
.ColWidth(2) = 0
.ColWidth(3) = 0
.ColWidth(4) = 0
.ColWidth(5) = 0
.ColWidth(6) = 0
.ColWidth(7) = 0
.ColWidth(8) = 0
.ColWidth(9) = 0
.ColWidth(10) = 0
.ColWidth(11) = 0
.ColWidth(12) = 0
.ColWidth(13) = 0
End With
Exit Sub
MsgBox "Err while loading Menus" & vbCrLf & "Error: " & Err.Description, vbInformation, "Access level Assignment"
End Sub
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